
The Best Route to a Perfect Smile

Are you looking for the best way to achieve a perfect smile? If so, you might consider dental veneers in Falcon, CO. Veneers are quick, easy, and natural. Unfortunately, many people don’t really know what dental veneers are.

What Are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are extremely thin, custom-made shells that are placed over the fronts of your teeth. Your new veneers can correct a wide range of dental issues.

What Oral Issues Do Dental Veneers Correct?
As promised, here is what dental veneers can correct.

Stained teeth (stains that can’t be corrected with tooth whitening products and procedures).
Chipped or broken teeth.
Gaps between your teeth.
Teeth that are too narrow or too short.
Crooked teeth.
Worn teeth.
The Different Types of Dental Veneers
Your dentist in Falcon, CO, will go over your dental veneer options. But until then, here are some you can choose from.

Composite Veneers
These are designed to correct or conceal minor cosmetic issues. Your dentist will use a tooth-colored composite resin. This is the same resin that’s used for dental bonding. They will take the composite resin to get you whatever result you are trying to achieve.

Porcelain Veneers
These are used to correct quite a few cosmetic imperfections. Your dentist will begin by removing some of your tooth’s enamel, which will help keep your new veneers in place. Porcelain veneers are considered the best because they are more durable, look more natural, and are stain-resistant. They are a bit more expensive than composite veneers, though.

No-Prep Veneers
These are custom-made like other veneers. You can remove them whenever you want. They don’t require as much enamel to be removed, but some enamel still has to be removed.

Removable Veneers
As the name suggests, these veneers are removable. They are usually called snap-on or pop-on veneers. Sometimes, removable veneers make it hard to eat and can sometimes affect your speech.

Do You Need a Dentist in Falcon, CO?
If you’re excited about getting dental veneers, you’ll need a dentist to perform the procedure. Please Contact Falcon Dental today. We have a warm and inviting office with state-of-the-art equipment to give you the perfect smile you’ve always wanted!

Shopping for a New Toothbrush? Here’s What to Watch For

The toothbrush you use is an important tool for maintaining good oral hygiene. While a toothbrush may seem like a small thing, it’s very important to choose the right toothbrush for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. There are many toothbrushes available on the market, so it’s important to pick wisely. In this article, we’ll discuss what you need to know when choosing the right toothbrush.

If you have questions about choosing a toothbrush, you can speak to your dentist in Falcon, CO. At Falcon Dental Care, we’re happy to make recommendations for our patients who are seeking the right toothbrush for their needs.

No Hard Bristles
Hard bristles can wear down your tooth enamel over time and can also contribute to gum recession. It’s important to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. If you’re brushing correctly, soft bristles are adequate for getting rid of the plaque on your teeth while also protecting your tooth enamel and gum tissue.

Talk to your dentist about how to use your toothbrush to get rid of plaque at the gumline without damaging your gums. Your dentist will show you how to angle the brush, how to use the brush in a circular motion to get rid of plaque buildup, and the right amount of pressure to use.

Ergonomic Handling
Ergonomic design with an angled head and grippers on the handle makes it easier to reach the parts of your mouth that often don’t get properly cleaned. Avoid toothbrushes that don’t have this ergonomic grip, as you may not be able to get your teeth as clean as you like.

Proper Size Head
A toothbrush with a big head may not fit in the hard-to-reach places near the back of your mouth. Look for a toothbrush with a medium to small head for easy reaching. When you visit the dentist, your dentist will let you know if you aren’t reaching the back teeth properly. This could be a sign that you need a toothbrush with a smaller head.

Electric Toothbrush
A well-designed electric toothbrush can clean your teeth better than a non-electric toothbrush. If you’re looking for an electric toothbrush, your dentist can give you a recommendation at your next dental exam in Falcon, CO. Call today to make an appointment.